Follow this and I promise you’ll experience fat loss, regardless of your age, experience or gender. This 10 week fat loss guide is exactly as it says on the tin.
Can I eat what I want? You’ll have to read on for that answer.
Is this 10 Week Fat Loss Guide for you?
No matter what your age, whether you’re a busy professional, a run off your feet parent or just plain busy, it’s not easy to commit to a fat loss program, without the misconception of it being an arduous and challenging journey. This article will be applicable to you if:
1. You were once in great shape and require a no nonsense, 10 week fat loss guide for getting back into it (this can be half the battle) and craving quick results.
2. You’re sick and tired of being overweight, want to regain control of your health, lose weight (or rather body fat – always an important distinction, you want to lose body fat and not just body weight) and generally want to, “Eat what I want”.
3. You’re at your wits end with restrictive diets
4. You’re not ready to make a gym commitment (great if you are, but it’s not necessary)
5. You make progress and suddenly your fat loss grinds to a halt and you abort, until the next wave of temporary motivation compels you to restart.
As always, you’ll find the contents below and easily locatable within the article. Feel free to skim through to relevant sections. I’d advise a first thorough read through.
- Why a 10 Week Fat Loss Guide?
- Mastering Fat loss
- My own demons and too much of eating what I want
- My Fat Loss struggle
- Good not Perfect Fat loss
- Fat loss Motivation
- Fat Loss Guide preparation
- 10 Week fat loss guide: can I eat what I want?
- Fat Loss Success tips
- Advanced Fat Loss Strategy
- Conclusion
Why a 10 week fat loss guide?
Why 10 weeks? Get to this duration and congratulations you’ve formed a habit! Any fat loss endeavour isn’t going to be 100% a walk in the park. You must find the most enjoyable way of eating for the duration, or you’ll quit.
Before continuing, I’d recommend you check out the following blog posts – easily hit your protein intake – the ultimate protein hack and An easy diet plan that works and 10 guaranteed fat loss tips
My Fat Loss Struggle
I’ve frequently pulled over at a motorway service station, with the intention of buying a black coffee and sparkling water. Mysteriously, I find myself leaving the premises armed with two Krispy Kreme doughnuts, a Caramel Macchiato and a packet of jelly babies. Instead of cutting my losses, this one visit has often exacerbated into a full weekend blow out.
Over time I’ve developed some mechanisms to mitigate my Krispy Kreme gluttony embodied feats. Let me state for the record, I’d be in a huge glass house with a breeze block if I claimed diet perfection. I’ve certainly taken the eat what I want mentality to the extreme and my own fat loss struggle is very real.
Mastering fat loss
It’s incredibly easy to overcomplicate a plan of action and ensure it’s impossible to achieve.
Most people possess an all-or-nothing mentality when it comes to diet and exercise and constantly search for easy fat loss. I suffer from the same condition, it’s called being human. Don’t give yourself a hard time.
Your body is hardwired to store fat to utilise for a rainy day (think of it as a savings account). It’s convinced you still reside in a mud hut and are about to enter a period of famine. Stored body fat during a famine has saved our species countless times. Our ancestors never had to pose the question, “Can I eat what I want?”
Thoroughly digest and absorb this 10 week fat loss guide. I’ve deliberately made it on the short and not technical side, in order for you to grasp how simple easy fat loss really is, and you’ll never have to search for another diet miracle.
Application of the 10 week fat loss guide is what stands between you, success and forming a life long habit.
Mastering fat loss requires process simplification. You must empty your cup, understand that the body is designed to store fat and is oblivious to that KFC around the corner. Your body is convinced it’s protecting you in the event of a short term famine.
Restrictive Fat loss Diets
A quick word on restrictive fat loss diets.
If I ask you not to think of pink elephants, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
Losing fat requires restriction. That restriction is there to balance out your overindulgence of calories, which have spilled over into stored body fat. Overly restrictive fat loss diets, which require you to never cheat, eat poverty amounts and initially eliminate full food groups, will lead to one destination – failure.
Will power and motivation is finite. When the tank is full it’s doable. The m moment this tank starts to empty (and it always does), you’re left with an unsustainable and miserable fat loss plan.
Good not perfect Fat loss
How often have you found yourself launching into the latest diet and exercise fad, and a few weeks later the only loss occurred is at the expense of your wallet? How frequently have you googled infinite fat loss questions on google? The fact that you’re still searching should provide a brainwave that your approach hasn’t been working.
There are two applicable statements that resonate:
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results You’ve heard this before. It’s worthy of some consideration on this journey. Past habits dictate future results. Change your approach and simplify!
Perfection is the enemy of good Not as viral as the above, but hugely applicable in most areas of life.
When I commenced my career, I was lucky to surround myself with other worldly intelligent people, in comparison to me (doesn’t take much, my 11 year old son is nearly destroying me at chess and I’ve given up helping him with maths an embarrassingly long time ago).
One of the most pertinent pieces of advice I’ve been a recipient of is from my previous CEO. You can strive for perfection and anything short of this will be failure in your eyes – it’s not. The issue with perfection is that it’s very rarely obtained and can stagnate progress.
Whether it’s launching a perfectly prepared business plan, or following a 10 week fat loss guide, chasing perfection will gift you with less results than if you’d have lowered the bar to a good level and embraced mistakes along the journey.
Good allows for mistakes to be made, whilst progress is made (whatever the goal – more profit, less body fat, increased fitness etc).
I promise you this, commit to some good goals which don’t require perfect, welcome mistakes as a necessary part of the process and you’ll notice your results accelerate.
Fat loss Motivation
It’s well researched that habit formation (based upon daily repetition) takes around 10 weeks to truly bed in to a part of life – business as usual scenario (why I named this the 10 week simple fat loss guide and not 9 weeks or 11). It generally becomes easier as time goes by, with the odd hurdle along the way and the new habit eventually becomes second nature.
One of the most misunderstood words in the English dictionary is motivation.
Motivation isn’t something most people can sustain (this covers a wide variety of areas, not just fitness). You can’t perpetually maintain a 100% motivation rate at all times.
Fat loss motivation will generally be high at the start of your journey. It will generally waiver throughout this 10 week fat loss guide. A combination of desire and discipline need to pick up the motivational slack when it inevitably waivers. Motivation is temporary, discipline can grow exponentially the more it’s practised (like a muscle).
Now I’m not advising motivation is utterly useless. Initial motivation is a good call to action. It does require you to formulate a plan of attack in order to adhere to your diet when the going gets tough.
Use motivation to remind you why you’re losing fat. Fat loss motivation is a great catalyst but can’t solely be relied upon.
Fat Loss Guide Preparation
Below is the 10 week fat loss guide. Notice its a ‘guide’. I’ve provided various methods and given tips that could help you succeed. Pick the path that best suits you.
Get through it at a good/not perfect level and congratulations, you’ve formed a habit in addition to losing fat. as I’ve stated, there’s no complex rules or ‘perfect’ expectations clause anywhere to be found here.
You’re going to commit to some basic ground rules for the next 10 weeks. If you mess up, that’s okay, you know I do! Dust yourself off and keep going.
I assure you this, allowing for good vs perfect will net you ten times the results, as opposed to following some stupid upload you watched on TikTok, requiring you to to savour a bite of chicken washed down with a spinach leaf all day.
Fat Loss Equipment Advice
1. Access to a weighing scales.
If it records body fat – great. It’s not essential
2. A basic fitness tracker
Again not essential. Your phone will record steps.
3. Download myfitnesspal app
Get familiar with it (be conscious that not all entries are correct, so google a second opinion). What gets measured gets done! Think about that. you’ll always measure what matters to you.
That’s it, it really is! All I ask of you is a good (not perfect) commitment to the below, and follow this 10 week fat loss guide the best you can. I guarantee you this, you’ll be delighted with the results gained from simplicity and not being perfect.
You’ll find tips below allowing you to consume more on some days (perhaps a meal out or inevitable heavy calorie day) than others. Plan plan plan!
10 Week fat loss guide: can I eat what I want?
The waiting is finally over. Drum roll please…….. Yes, you can eat what you want and lose fat in accordance with the below rules 🙂
How about this? Your 10 week fat loss guide comes in just 4 simple steps. Fat Loss simplicity at it’s finest.
1. Weigh yourself
Record your body fat (optional body fat wise, if you don’t have a scales – weight and the mirror is fine) the morning you commence. Continue to weigh yourself once a week at the same time (resist temptation to weigh more, weight loss isn’t always linear – too frequently and it will cook your noodle – my wife is a criminal for this).
Convert your current weight to lbs if you don’t usually measure in lbs – 1kg = 2.205 lbs to be exact.
2. Minus 20lbs from your current weight.
Now take this new number and multiply by 12. This is your set calorie allowance for the day during this 10 week fat loss guide duration.
A working Example using me
● I weigh myself and record 200lbs
● 200lbs – 20 is 180lbs
●180 x 12 equals 2160. I’ve just calculated my calorie goal for the next ten weeks
3. Commit to eating a minimum of 125 grams of protein per day.
Carbs and fats? I don’t care, split them in accordance with your meal choice. See below for tips/ information on protein.
4. Using your phone or a fitness tracker
commit to walking 7500 steps per day. How you divide this is up to you, do what’s easier. If you’re not able to get out and about some days, walk around your house. If you choose to exercise in addition to this, consider this a bonus. Want some no cardio home workouts? Here you go.
That’s it! It really Is. I did mention it was a simple 10 week fat loss guide Don’t confuse simplicity with lack of results.
Fat Loss Success Tips
Below you’ll find a combination of simple to apply fat loss success tips for beginners, combined with a sprinkling of (still simple) advanced fat loss nuggets.
Before we commence with these tips, please don’t make the mistake of thinking simple means won’t work. I’ve been following my own fat loss guides for years and have always achieved my desired fat loss goals.
Meal frequency is irrelevant.
On occasion I eat breakfast. some days I will eat 3 meals a day and others one, two or four. When you understand this concept It’s a powerful tool in your box. If you’re eating out one evening, make this your one meal of the day (pick high protein). Or have a double scoop protein shake for lunch (if you can’t wait) and enjoy all your calories in the evening whilst effortlessly hitting your protein goal. You can adopt whatever meal frequencies allow you to enjoyably adhere to the 10 week fat loss plan.
Sweet treats
I enjoy a chocolate bar more than most. I’ve furnished my children with more frequent and ‘heartfelt’ apologies following eating their sweets/chocolate, I have given to wife for leaving the toilet seat up over the last 15 years. You can eat what you want, providing it’s within your calorie and protein limits.
The best fat burner is a calorie deficit.
Anything else is a complete and utter waste of money or detrimental to your health. Stored body fat cannot be accessed without a calorie deficit!
Prioritising protein
This can seem daunting. Foods high In protein are readily available regardless of whether you’re a meat eater or a a vegetarian/vegan. Protein is a priority macronutrient for countless reasons. Here’s you protein article 🙂.
For adherence, stick to a few simple meals most days
It’s easier for myfitnesspal (it remembers previous data entered) adherence and generally you’ll stay more consistent limiting your variety during the first 10 weeks of habit forming.
Additional exercise doesn’t mean anything formal
Do some star jumps, an additional walk or something you’ve seen on the internet.
Don’t drink your calories
There’s no need. You’ll be surprised at how many empty calories are consumed via liquid form. Remember, if the food/liquid contains calories – onto my fitness pal it goes to be logged.
I reach low body fat levels by eating chocolate most days
That said, if there are multiple bars in the house, they will be devoured. I’ve learned to buy individual treats the very day I intend to consume them. If they’re not within temptations reach…. again it’s all about ease and simplicity of adherence. Know your triggers and Plan plan plan!
Fat doesn’t make you fat
And you don’t have to go low carb for fat loss. Eat both as you see fit around calories and protein targets.
If you mess up for one day
learn from it, understand why and don’t starve yourself tomorrow! Eat as planned.
Fruit and veggies will go a long way
They contain very little calories for their size (food volume). You’ll be able to eat larger quantities and stay full. That said, nothing is off limits on this diet and to answer the question, ” Can I eat what I want?” Yes, providing you stick to your calorie and protein goal.
A good rule to follow is try and allow 75% of your calories to come from good sources and 25% treats. But, even if you had eaten nothing but McDonalds all day, providing you’ve hit your calories/ protein you’ll still lose fat (health aside, I wouldn’t recommend it as note I’m commenting on fat loss and aesthetics only).
You can’t control where fat comes off your body
Give it time and belly fat removal, a slimmer face, more shapely bottom, thinner arms etc- it will happen at your bodies pace.
An Advanced Fat Loss Strategy
This advanced loss strategy greatly assisted me in adhering to my own fat loss goals. Imagine your fat loss calories are calculated at 2100 per day. The body doesn’t recognise a 24 hour clock, it’s our time construct.
If you’re conscious you’ve got a large feasting event this weekend and you won’t avoid additional calories/ a few drinks, consider eating 1900 calories Mon-Friday, and using those saved 1000 calories on a Saturday/Sunday split. Partake in some extra steps/exercise during the week leading up to the event and perhaps attempt to hit 10k steps a day Monday-friday.
If you view your calorie allowance as a weekly budget, it changes the game forever and I eat what I want in large quantities by utilising this strategy.
Hopefully you’re starting to understand that the more tools in your locker, the greater the chance of finding one for the job at hand.
I will cut it off here. Hopefully this A 10 week fat loss guide and can I eat what I want post has been of value to you. I could continue with tips indefinitely and no doubt will have more covered as this blog develops.
mastering fat loss requires a simple approach to ensure adherence. Stay away from overly restrictive fat loss diets, develop discipline to accompany your motivation and I assure you of success. Bake tempary failure into your fat loss plan and you haven’t failed. look at the sum of all parts (the 10 weeks) and don’t dwell on a bad day.
I’ve amassed a fair amount of articles in a short space of time, do check out my other blog posts on various muscle building, fat loss and health/lifestyle tips.
I’d love to hear off you if you achieved some results.
Alternatively, please feel free to message me with any questions, help needed or article suggestions. just head over to the contact me section.
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Thanks so much for reading and Chat soon,