
Why are Most Personal Trainers rubbish?

Hello friends,  Pick your personal trainer wisely. Welcome to a small rant post with a slither of advice for you. So…. Why Are Most Personal Trainers Rubbish? Please note I state ‘most’ and not all. I’ve seen some excellent personal trainers and gym instructors/owners in my many years of being a gym rat. But I’m afraid to admit the vast majority I encounter seem disinterested in their clients, are more of a hindrance than a help and this genuinely pains me. I’m always delighted to hear from subscribers and would love to receive your opinion on this matter.  Do you have bad personal trainer experience or story to tell? Have you witnessed a personal trainer giving incorrect advice or failing their client in any capacity? Am I being too harsh with my view point? Contrary to my usual format of throughly listing contents, I’m deviating from normality and shall be taken wherever my fingers type.  Bad Personal Trainer Behaviour Over the last couple of years I’ve seen very bad personal trainer behaviour and client’s seemingly putting up with it. I’ve witnessed the following: Poor program Design Giving their client totally bad personal training programs which can cause muscle imbalances or injury.  One program I observed contained one pull-down exercise for back and 3 chest exercises. This is a recipe for future postural issues or injury.  Another example is many quad dominant exercises and a complete lack of hamstring balancing exercises. Another recipe for disaster. Misaligned With Client Goals Depending on age, experience and the client’s current starting condition, I’m all for personal trainers advising, tweaking and working with the client to achieve not only aesthetic goals, but health appropriate goals (e.g working on flexibility and mobility with an elderly client).  But I see all too often, young/middle aged people, whose primary goal is to lose fat, gain muscle and eventually get a ‘sculpted physique’ get furnished with a ridiculous program. Instead of strengthening the whole body with a handful of appropriate exercises and getting the best bang for their buck, the personal trainer will have them doing some kind of ridiculous circuit concoction of useless exercises. The end result is the client being overworked with inappropriate exercises or underworked with inappropriate exercises. Either way, the client’s not benefiting.   General Personal Trainer Disinterest  Whether it’s looking as interested in the client as watching paint try, lacking any motivation to spur the client on, or being too busy on Facebook, TikTok or instagram – I seem lack of engagement all too often. Lack of Exercise Form management In addition to exercise form correction we can include the following: ● Rep speed monitoring ● Rest between sets awareness  I’ve seen their client’s not adhering to proper form and rep speed. At the very least progress will be hindered and worse case it’s an injury waiting to happen.  Lack of Lifestyle Advice No discussions about diet, accountability, healthy tips etc. Anything outside of the personal trainers hour with the client ‘isn’t the personal trainers problem’. Personal Training Customer Service At an ancient 42, my training experience is considerable… put it this way, I started weight training 8 Prime Ministers ago. For my American audience from across the pond, it’s a more modest 5 presidents. Although health and fitness has always been a burning passion of mine, it’s never been my profession. This blog is but a side hobby along side my rather busy role as head of Department for a large and successful financial organisation.  With utmost sincerity, I can confess to loving my job, colleagues and our customers. Parallel to the day job, I’m now a qualified gym instructor and am studying for my personal training qualification (call it a wanted to achieve before I’m ancient ambition). It’s running this website, my current day job and my fitness studies which is causing my exacerbated preoccupation.  Here’s a further post on me (my first blog article) if you’re interested in reading more. This can be combined with the about me section for more of an insight into the person whose rant you’re currently reading.  The Customer Pays the Wages Bear with me, I will be going somewhere with this.  I commenced my career in 2001. I started as one usually does, at the bottom of the ladder and answering phones. I slowly worked my way up to the dizzy heights of team leader in 2009 and proudly managed 10 people. The business was big on development from within, its culture, colleagues and the customer (thankfully my current firm is identical).  My CEO of this FTSE 100 firm was more than delighted to accommodate (when suitable) any leader requests to spend an hour with him. Being young and ambitious, I reached out. After all, how could the man who dished the sweets out to colleagues every Christmas be intimidating…. I should have known better.  I remember his leading question as vividly as if it were yesterday. “Matt, who pays your wages?” “Erm you do” was my rather sheepish reply. “Try again Matt”. “Erm… the business?” “Go and grab a coffee, have a think and come back to me with the right answer Matt” was my reply. Following spending 10 of the 15 minutes calculating the local Job Centre’s distance, after my career wrecking opening answer, the answer came to me….  I marched back in and proudly announced, “THE CUSTOMER PAYS MY WAGES”. Thankfully my answer was met with a smile. The remainder of my time with him left a lasting impression and lessons to learn, but I risk digressing too far.  The customer pays the wages. Many years and promotions later, this core unbreakable fact holds true.  Regardless of whatever job you perform or what sector you’re in, a customer will be paying your wages and the quality of work maters. Without a happy customer, a business ceases to exist. It’s that simple   Arguably there isn’t a more prudent example of the above than a personal trainer to client relationship. Client responsibility and customer service is everything! … Read more

Biohacking for Beginners

Hello friends,  I’m sure this won’t be the last article I publish on biohacking and hacking your body. I’m sure by now you’ll all have heard of this growing trend. If biohacking was a business (and arguably it’s growing into one), you could define it as just exiting start up phase and getting ready to go main stream. I figured Biohacking for Beginners  will be useful and at least allow you to become acquainted with this fringe, exciting and sometimes downright bizarre subject.  Ever pondered the possibility of controlling your biology to boost your physical and mental performance? This guide is your gateway to the world of self-optimisation through biohacking. It’s designed to equip you with the knowledge to enhance your well-being using both budget-friendly and sophisticated techniques. You’ll learn what biohacking entails and the key resources needed for this transformative journey. Biohacking is more than just new methods; it’s a growing culture that makes you rethink your health. This guide will show you how to take charge and improve your body’s potential. With DIY projects and advanced gadgets, biohacking could be the key to unmatched health. Contents As always you’ll find the contents listed below and easily locatable within the article.  What Is Biohacking? Two Pioneers of biohacking The Science behind biohacking The Benefits of biohacking Hacking your Body Is Biohacking Legit? Main Methods of Biohacking How to Start Biohacking A Biohacking Warning Key Takeaways Useful related posts Conclusion  What Is Biohacking? Imagine tweaking your life like a character in a video game. That’s what biohacking is all about. It’s about using DIY biology and health hacking to upgrade your body and mind. You use science and new methods to do this. It’s about using experimental biology and self-optimisation techniques to improve our well-being. This approach seeks to answer the question: what is biohacking? The Origins of Biohacking The DIY biology movement started biohacking. It began as a way for people to explore and change biological systems at home, not in labs. This movement lets you use science to improve your health. Definition and Scope Biohacking is a wide range of activities. It includes simple things like fasting and managing stress to complex ones like genetic engineering and neural implants. The goal is to make humans better and improve life quality. Types of Biohacking There are many ways to biohack. Some use nootropics to boost brain power, while others follow special diets based on their genes. Some even try extreme temperature changes to make their bodies stronger. Starting a journey to boost your genetic potential through biohacking is more than just using new tech. It’s about making small changes in your life to improve your wellbeing. This guide will show you how to use these changes to better your life. At the heart of biohacking is making your life better. You can do this by changing your environment, what you eat, and your daily habits. For example, adjusting your home’s lighting to match your body’s natural rhythm or eating foods that fit your genes. Each change helps you become a better version of yourself. Transforming your lifestyle to match your unique genetic makeup is not just about living longer; it’s about living better. Biohacking isn’t just about tech; it’s also about everyday changes. Adding air-cleaning plants at home, getting sunlight daily, or practicing mindfulness can greatly improve your health and work performance. Every change you make adds up. Together, they help you reach your genetic potential and live a life that’s not just longer, but also richer and more fulfilling. But remember, everyone’s genes are different. So, what works for one might not work for another. That’s why it’s key to tailor changes to fit you. In conclusion, diving into biohacking means being open to trying new things and understanding your body’s needs. By looking at health as a whole and making smart changes, you can discover new levels of health and energy. This is all based on what’s best for you, thanks to your unique genes. Two Pioneers of Biohacking Step into the world of leading biohackers and discover their groundbreaking work. These innovators have shaped biohacking. They offer insights that can help you master biohacking. We’ll look at Dave Asprey and Bryan Johnson, key figures in their fields. Dave Asprey: The Father of Bulletproof Coffee Dave Asprey is a big name in biohacking. He’s known for the Bulletproof diet, which focuses on brain health through food. His diet includes Bulletproof Coffee to boost mental clarity and other supplements for overall health. Asprey believes what you eat can change your brain and body performance. His approach is all about making smart food choices. Bryan Johnson: Pushing Limits with Neuro-Prosthetics Bryan Johnson aims to boost human abilities with new technologies. He’s a leader in neuro-enhancement. His work on neuro-prosthetics aims to improve our brains and bodies. Johnson’s work shows how technology can change our lives. It opens up new ways to enhance our abilities and how we interact with the world. Asprey and Johnson have built thriving communities and resources, fostering growth and creativity in biohacking. These leaders are continually expanding the discipline’s frontiers. Their work has transformed biohacking from a niche interest to a global trend, followed by thousands.  Unsurprisingly, both men have their fair share of ‘haters’. Some of their (particularly Asprey’s) methods certainly aren’t verified by conventional science. I’ve followed Dave Asprey for years and like some of what he preaches. The majority of what he claims is not supported by science… yet (or never will be). An interest in Biohacking should always be accompanied by many hours of research.  The science Behind Biohacking Biohacking combines biology, technology, and personal optimisation, heavily relying on scientific evidence. It encompasses nutritional tweaks to advanced genome sequencing. This approach is backed by rigorous research. “Biohacking isn’t just a fad—it’s a scientifically backed method for enhancing human potential,” asserts Dr Rhonda Patrick, a renowned researcher in the field. Neurofeedback is a key part of biohacking, aimed at improving cognitive functions. It’s supported by extensive scientific research. Studies indicate neurofeedback can boost attention, lower anxiety, and help manage ADHD symptoms. Genome sequencing is another crucial aspect, allowing … Read more

The Best Fitness Apps for Busy People

Fitness apps are Useful for busy People Welcome to the best fitness apps for busy people.  Picture this: It’s 7 AM, your alarm goes off, and you have back-to-back meetings lined up for the day. By the time you finish work, all you want to do is crash on the couch. Sound familiar? It certainly rings a bell within my busy life.  For many of us, finding time to exercise amidst our hectic schedules can feel impossible. But what if I told you that staying fit doesn’t have to be a chore?  Enter the world of digital fitness, where your smartphone becomes your personal trainer, and exercise fits right into your busy life. Ready to discover the top 10 fitness apps for busy professionals that will revolutionise your fitness routine? Keep reading, because your journey to a healthier you starts now. Worry not, I’m a blog and affiliate free site. If this ever changes, my integrity matters more than a quick side hustle buck, so you’ll never see a product I don’t recommend, or don’t have have personal/close second hand experience of.  The below apps have been a personal godsend, or for those close to me and are well worthy of exploration. Prior to the conclusion, you’ll find recommended links to other articles closely related to this one. I’ve attempted to keep this app list varied and provide you with sufficient information on free vs paid app functions.  1. MyFitnessPal: The Ultimate All-Rounder If you’ve been reading my other articles for a while, you’ll be aware that I’m a big fan. It would have been rather foolish omitting it from the best  fitness apps for busy people. Putting it rather simply – what gets measured gets done. You’d assume an app to complete every time you consume calories is tedious. You get used to it and it ultimately serves as a tool to enlighten you regarding how much really gets passed through your mouth.  When it comes to digital fitness, MyFitnessPal is the Swiss Army knife of apps. It’s not just about tracking calories; this app offers a comprehensive fitness solution. With a vast food database and easy-to-use interface, it helps you keep tabs on your diet and exercise. My Fitness pal Features   Food diary, barcode scanner, customisable goals, community support. I’m not going to get into the premium paid benefits as I honestly feel there’s no need to go premium. A free account will serve you well.  Why It’s Great It integrates with numerous other apps and devices (smart watches etc), making it a versatile choice for tracking your health. Plus, it’s like having a dietician who doesn’t judge your late-night ice cream binges. My app Experience I’ve mostly been consistent for the last 6 years.  2. Strava: For the Outdoor Enthusiast Strava is perfect for those who love to run, cycle, or hike. It turns your outdoor activities into a social experience, allowing you to compete with friends and explore new routes. Strava stands out by combining fitness tracking with a social network, creating a community of athletes who motivate and challenge each other. Strava Free Features GPS Tracking  Track your runs, rides, and other activities with precise GPS data. Performance Analysis View detailed statistics on distance, pace, speed, elevation gain, and calories burned. Social Sharing Share your activities with friends, give and receive kudos, and leave comments on each other’s workouts. Community Challenges Participate in monthly challenges to stay motivated and compete for virtual badges. Route Discovery Explore new routes with the help of the Strava community’s shared activities and recommendations. Paid Features (Strava Summit) Advanced Metrics Get deeper insights into your performance with metrics like heart rate analysis, power data, and Suffer Score. Training Plans Access customisable training plans tailored to your goals, whether you’re training for a race or just trying to get fitter. Live Segments Compete in real-time on popular segments and see your performance compared to others instantly. Safety Features Use Beacon to share your real-time location with friends and family for added safety during your workouts. Personalised Coaching Receive training advice and feedback based on your performance data. Route Planning Create custom routes with detailed maps and sync them to your device for turn-by-turn navigation. Why It’s Great The app’s community aspect keeps you motivated and engaged. It’s like Facebook for fitness, but without the political rants. With Strava, you’re not just working out; you’re joining a global network of athletes who support and challenge each other. The free version of Strava offers plenty of features to get started and stay motivated, while the premium Strava Summit unlocks advanced tools for those who want to take their training to the next level. Strava also integrates seamlessly with various wearable fitness devices and other fitness apps, allowing you to centralise all your fitness data in one place. Whether you’re aiming to beat your personal best, explore new trails, or just stay active, Strava provides the tools and community support to help you reach your goals. Here’s my profile link. feel free to add me if you’d like to keep tabs on if I practice what I preach :). 3. Zwift: Your Virtual Training Partner Zwift brings the thrill of outdoor cycling into your living room. It combines the fun of video games with the intensity of serious training, allowing you to cycle through virtual worlds with other users. Zwift is designed for cyclists, runners, and triathletes looking for a structured and interactive way to train indoors. Free Zwift Features Virtual Workouts Access a selection of virtual rides and runs through various digital landscapes, from cityscapes to mountain trails. Social Interaction Ride or run alongside friends or strangers from around the world, making your workouts more social and engaging. Basic Performance Tracking Track basic metrics such as distance, speed, and time. Paid Features (Zwift Membership) Extensive Course Selection Gain access to a wide range of virtual worlds and courses, including famous cycling routes and custom-built environments. Structured Training Plans Follow detailed training plans tailored to … Read more

Super slow Strength Training: a Doug Mguff Masterpiece

A muscular tortoise lifting weights in a gym, symbolising the concept of super slow strength training by Doug Mguff. The tortoise is muscular, performing slow and controlled movements, with dramatic lighting emphasising its build and focus. Gym equipment is blurred in the background, highlighting the tortoise’s effort and determination.

For men over 40, the importance of maintaining muscle strength while protecting joint health is paramount. This is where super slow strength training, pioneered by Doug McGuff, comes into play. The technique prioritises slow, controlled repetitions to maximise muscle engagement, minimise injury risk, and still deliver impressive gains. But does this method really work? I n this article, we’ll explore the science behind super slow strength training, provide practical guidance, compare it with other popular methods, and offer a comprehensive breakdown of a Doug McGuff Body by Science Workout Example. By the end, you’ll see why this method might be the most effective, especially for men over 40. Super Slow Strength Training: What is It? Super slow strength training is a weightlifting method where each repetition is deliberately slowed down to between 10 and 20 seconds per rep. The goal is to increase time under tension—the amount of time your muscles are actively working during a set. By eliminating momentum and focusing on control, this technique forces the muscles to work harder, even with lighter weights, and provides the ideal stimulus for muscle growth. The method was popularised by Doug McGuff, a physician and fitness expert. McGuff advocates for an intense yet controlled approach to lifting, focusing on muscle activation and joint safety rather than heavy weights and fast reps. His philosophy is summarised in his statement: “It’s not how much weight you lift, but how intensely you engage the muscles during the lift.” Why Super Slow Strength Training Can Be Effective The key to super slow strength training is its ability to maximise time under tension (TUT). TUT is one of the most critical factors in muscle growth. A study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that increasing the duration of reps significantly enhances muscle fibre recruitment, particularly in type I (slow-twitch) muscle fibres, which are often neglected in traditional, faster-paced training. This method also helps protect the joints, making it particularly useful for older men. Fast reps with heavy weights can place excessive strain on the joints, leading to injuries over time. In contrast, super slow strength training uses lighter weights while still achieving muscle growth through greater time under tension. As McGuff explains, “Intensity is what drives muscle growth, not the weight itself. Slow, controlled reps with high focus will give you the results you need.” The Science of Muscle Growth: Why Super Slow Strength Training Works Muscle growth, or hypertrophy, occurs when muscle fibres experience small tears due to mechanical tension and metabolic stress. The body repairs these tears by making the fibres thicker and stronger. Here are the key drivers of hypertrophy: A study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that increasing time under tension during reps significantly improves muscle fibre recruitment, especially in slow-twitch fibres, which are often underutilised in traditional fast-paced lifting. Long-Term Benefits of Super Slow Strength Training for Men Over 40 The benefits of super slow strength training go beyond immediate muscle growth, especially for men over 40. Here’s why this method supports long-term fitness and health: For men looking for a sustainable training method that will help maintain strength and protect their bodies long term, super slow strength training is ideal. Why It Doesn’t Work for Everyone: The Importance of Intensity While super slow strength training is highly effective, it’s not without its challenges. The method relies heavily on reaching a high level of intensity during each set. Each rep must be slow and controlled, and the final rep should push your muscles to the point of failure. This means you shouldn’t be able to complete another rep with proper form. If you don’t push yourself to this level of intensity, super slow strength training may not deliver the desired results. For many, maintaining the necessary intensity with lighter weights can be a challenge, which is why some may not see the results they expect. Comparing Super Slow Strength Training to Other Methods How does super slow strength training compare to other popular methods like HIIT, CrossFit, and traditional bodybuilding? Each method has its strengths, but super slow strength training excels in safety, joint protection, and efficiency. Mental and Psychological Benefits of Mindfulness in Super Slow Strength Training An often-overlooked benefit of super slow strength training is the mental and psychological advantage it offers. By focusing on each movement and slowing down the pace, you engage in a form of mindfulness during your workout, which can have several benefits: Myth-Busting: Addressing Misconceptions About Super Slow Strength Training Despite its proven effectiveness, super slow strength training is often misunderstood. Let’s clear up some common myths: How to Progress with Super Slow Strength Training To make continual progress with super slow strength training, it’s essential to increase intensity gradually. Here’s how you can ensure steady improvement: Doug McGuff’s Background: Enhancing Authority Dr Doug McGuff is not just a fitness expert—he’s also a practising emergency physician and an advocate for high-intensity, low-frequency strength training. His book Body by Science is a must-read for those interested in learning more about his scientifically backed approach to fitness. McGuff’s philosophy of training revolves around the idea that less can be more. By slowing down the reps and focusing on time under tension, you can build muscle without risking injury, all while spending less time in the gym. His contributions to the fitness world have been immense, and his methods are well-regarded in both medical and fitness communities. Doug McGuff Body by Science Workout Example Dr Doug McGuff’s workout follows the principles of super slow strength training, emphasising slow, controlled movements to maximise muscle activation and minimise joint strain. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how to perform each exercise using his approach: 1. Leg Press 2. Chest Press 3. Lat Pulldown 4. Shoulder Press 5. Seated Row Key Takeaways Want an ultimate muscle building guide that learns from my mistakes? Click here. Conclusion Incorporating super slow strength training into your routine can help you build muscle, protect your joints, and improve … Read more

Beauty in Strength: How Women Benefit From Heavy Lifting

Are you Lifting Heavy? Have you ever pondered how lifting weights could reshape more than just your physique? For years, women were advised to focus on cardio for a lean body, but is this advice still relevant? Spoiler alert… hell no. I forever witness women on the cardio machines just like hamsters on a wheel. When they do decide to use the strength training equipment, it’s a standard very light weight for lots of low-intensity reps. I observe many men and women wasting time in the gym, but the number one wasting time affliction women suffer from is a lack of proper strength training weight and intensity. The truth is, strength training for women transcends mere muscle building. It’s a pathway to empowerment through fitness and a significant boost in mental well-being. In a realm where female strength training myths persist, it’s crucial to debunk these and harness the true potential of strength training. Why should ladies lift heavy? Quite simply, it’s the quickest path to achieving the desired body. Do read on as we explore this subject. I’ve included additional related links at the bottom of this article. Contents As always you’ll find the contents below and easily locatable within the article.  1. The Benefits of Strength Training for Women 2. Female Strength Training myths 3. Myth: Cardio is Better for Weight Loss 4. Myth: I Will Get Big and Bulky from Strength Training 5. Myth: I just Want to Get Toned 6. Myth: Women Should Lift Light for Many Reps 7. Scientific Evidence Supporting Strength Training for Women 8. The Psychological Benefits of Strength Training 9. How Hollywood Women Benefit From Heavy Lifting 10. Finding a Program That Works for you 11. The Role of Nutrition in Strength Training 12. Combining Strength Training and Cardio 13. related Articles to Compliment your Strength training Journey 14. Conclusion The Benefits of Strength Training for Women Strength training for women offers numerous benefits, enhancing both physical appearance and overall health. It leads to better muscle definition and a higher metabolic rate, among many other advantages. Improved Muscle Tone and Definition Regular strength training significantly improves muscle tone and definition. By focusing on getting stronger, women can benefit from heavy lifting and can achieve a leaner, more toned physique. This not only boosts your appearance but also strengthens and healthens your muscles. Building lean muscle mass enhances daily movements and reduces injury risks. Boosted Metabolism Strength training also significantly boosts your metabolism (more so than cardio). Increasing lean muscle mass leads to a metabolic rate increase. Your body burns more calories even when resting, aiding in weight management. Adding strength training to your routine is a potent way to elevate your metabolism and improve overall health. Female Strength Training Myths Let’s explore the myths surrounding female strength training and debunk them. Many women hesitate to lift weights due to misconceptions. It’s crucial to dispel these myths for good. As a society, we seem to be more proactive in understanding how women can benefit from heavy lifting, but we must go further. As mentioned above, I see too many ladies wasting their valuable time lifting weights that their one year old child could press and with the intensity of a bear coming out of hibernation. Myth: Cardio is Better for Weight Loss Another myth suggests that cardio is superior for weight loss. While cardio does burn calories, strength training for women is equally effective, if not more so.  Building lean muscle through weightlifting increases your resting metabolic rate, meaning you burn more calories at rest. This approach not only aids in immediate fat loss but also supports long-term weight management.  It’s a holistic strategy that challenges the notion that cardio alone is the key to fat loss. Besides, diet causes fat loss (the linked articles below will help). Myth: I Will Get Big and Bulky from Strength Training Ah, one I constantly battle my wife with and a long explanation is required. The reasons behind why this won’t happen are rooted in biology, hormones, and physiological factors. What is Bulky? Bulky is simply too much fat on the frame cushioning the muscles! Get leaner and you’re no longer bulky; it’s that simple. I have a good article below delving further into this point. Hormones These play a significant role in muscle development, and the key player here is testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that promotes muscle growth and is present in much higher levels in men than in women. On average, men have about 15 to 20 times more testosterone than women. This hormonal difference is a major reason why men can build larger muscles. In men, testosterone levels contribute to greater muscle mass, strength, and a higher rate of muscle protein synthesis. Women produce testosterone too, but in much smaller quantities, which limits the potential for large muscle growth. Muscle Fibres Men and women have different muscle fibre compositions, which also influences muscle growth. There are two main types of muscle fibres: Type I (slow-twitch) and Type II (fast-twitch). Type I fibres: These are more endurance-oriented and are more prevalent in women. They are not as prone to hypertrophy (increase in size) as Type II fibres. Type II fibres: These are more common in men and are more responsive to strength training and hypertrophy. They grow larger and stronger with resistance training. Genetics Genetics also play a crucial role in determining muscle growth potential. Men generally have larger skeletal frames and more muscle mass due to evolutionary factors. These genetic differences mean that men have a higher baseline of muscle mass and a greater capacity for muscle growth. While women can certainly increase their muscle mass and strength through resistance training, their muscles tend to become more toned and defined rather than bulky. Women’s muscles adapt to training by improving endurance and strength without significantly increasing in size. Body Fat Women naturally have higher body fat percentages than men, which influences muscle appearance. This body fat is distributed differently, often around the hips, thighs, and breasts, which can obscure muscle definition. Men tend to have less body fat and more muscle definition, especially … Read more

How to Never be Skinny Fat Again: Your Lean and Muscular Guide

A skinny fat man undergoes a transformation to the photo on the right-m he's now lean and muscular

Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt frustrated by a soft, undefined physique despite being relatively slim? You’re not alone! The skinny fat phenomenon affects countless individuals, but here’s the good news – it’s entirely beatable and rather easy to understand. Once you beat it, welcome to your lean and muscular physique. In fact, a study by the American Council on Exercise found that targeted resistance training can increase muscle mass by up to 3.1 pounds in just 8 weeks, even in beginners. Imagine what that could do for your physique! I’ve been there myself, and let me tell you, it’s no fun feeling like you’re stuck in fitness limbo. When I started strength training many moons ago (feels like eons now), I looked like a relatively slim child, but shirtless, my chest looked a little flabby, and there wasn’t an ab in sight. Dr. Stuart Phillips, a leading researcher in muscle protein synthesis, highlights that resistance training, when combined with adequate protein intake, can effectively stimulate muscle growth. He explains that “resistance training increases muscle protein synthesis rates, particularly when dietary protein intake is optimised.” In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the root causes of being skinny fat and arm you with proven strategies to transform your body. Get ready to say goodbye to skinny fat and hello to a lean and muscular you! Fat Loss and a Bit of Muscle Gain Is What Stands Between You and Eliminating Skinny Fat Contents What Is Skinny Fat and How to Transform It First things first – what exactly is “skinny fat“? It’s a term used to describe individuals who appear thin or have a “normal” BMI but carry a high percentage of body fat relative to their muscle mass. This can result in a soft, undefined appearance, even if you’re not overweight by traditional standards. Here’s the deal: your weight on the scales doesn’t tell the whole story. You could be within a “healthy” weight range but still have a higher-than-ideal body fat percentage. This is where the importance of body composition and recognising that BMI is a broken measurement comes into play. It’s not just about how much you weigh, but what that weight is made up of – muscle, fat, bone, and water. Simply put – you’re carrying too little muscle and a higher-than-average body fat percentage. You simply need to lose fat and gain some muscle. Hey presto, you now understand what’s needed for a skinny fat transformation to achieve a lean and muscular physique. You’ll find many great articles on the website to compliment this one. Nutrition Strategies to Beat Skinny Fat and Build a Lean and Muscular Physique Now that we understand what we’re dealing with, let’s talk about one of the most crucial aspects of beating skinny fat – nutrition. You’ve probably heard the saying, “You can’t out-train a bad diet,” and it’s absolutely true! The key to transforming your body composition lies in a balanced, whole-food diet. Here’s what you need to focus on: Body Recomposition: The Newbie Advantage One of the biggest benefits of starting your skinny fat transformation is what’s known as the newbie advantage. This term refers to the rapid progress beginners can make when they start strength training, particularly if they’ve never done any serious weightlifting before. When you’re new to weight training, your body responds incredibly well to even the most basic movements. Your muscles haven’t been exposed to resistance before, so they grow quickly in response to the stimulus. Here’s why you can expect rapid gains as a newbie: Newbies have the advantage of body recomposition, where you can burn fat and gain muscle simultaneously, something much harder to achieve for advanced trainees. Make the most of this window by focusing on consistent, progressive training and a solid nutrition plan. Resistance Training: Your Secret Weapon Against Skinny Fat If you want to say goodbye to skinny fat and hello to a lean and muscular physique, resistance training is your secret weapon. Resistance training, also known as weightlifting or strength training, provides the stimulus your body needs to build and maintain muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate, meaning you burn more calories at rest, which helps shed body fat and gives you that lean and muscular look. Why Resistance Training Works So Well Focus on Compound Exercises To maximise your time in the gym, your focus should be on compound exercises. These are movements that engage multiple muscle groups at once, making them more effective for building muscle and burning calories. Here are the key compound exercises to include in your routine: Compound exercises are more effective than isolation exercises (like bicep curls) because they involve more muscle groups and burn more calories in less time. They’re your ticket to a lean and muscular physique. This isn’t too say isolation exercises are useless – just prioritise compound movements at the beginning of your workout. Progressive Overload: The Key to Consistent Muscle Growth Progressive overload is the principle of gradually increasing the weight, reps, or intensity of your workouts over time to continually challenge your muscles. This is essential for building muscle and strength. Cardio for Skinny Fat: Friend or Foe? Cardio has its place, but when your goal is to transition from skinny fat to lean and muscular, cardio needs to be managed carefully. While cardio can help with fat loss, doing too much of it can interfere with muscle growth. Prioritise HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) HIIT is the perfect cardio option for those looking to get lean without sacrificing muscle. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods. Not only does HIIT torch calories during the workout, but it also boosts your metabolism for hours afterward. Limit Steady-State Cardio While steady-state cardio (like jogging or cycling at a consistent pace) can improve cardiovascular health, too much of it can cause muscle loss, especially if paired with a calorie deficit. If you enjoy steady-state cardio, … Read more

How to Lose Weight While Working from Home

A fit man over 40, working at a well-organized home office with fitness gear in the background, representing the balance of staying active and productive while working from home.

Well, well, well… look who’s trying to shed those pounds whilst juggling Zoom calls and Netflix binges! Welcome to the wild world of how to lose weight while working from home.Did you know that 41% of remote workers report weight gain since starting to work from home? But don’t panic, I’ve got your back (and your waistline). As someone who’s navigated the treacherous waters of home working snacking and sedentary habits, I’m here to share the secrets of staying on track with losing fat when home working.I have you covered with further related articles below and will highlight when another article will be beneficial for further context and understanding. So, park your bottom in that ergonomic chair, and let’s dive into how you can avoid sabotaging your fitness journey from the comfort of your home office! My Working from Home Baptism of Fire Pre Covid-19, I never worked from home (or as we’ve come to abbreviate it – WFH). I generally (bar the odd slip-up) had my nutrition down to a tee within the office. I’m a fan of intermittent fasting and would generally take a protein shake into the office, along with something light, and save my calories for my evening meal. It’s a strategy I follow to this day. When Covid hit, an abundance of snacks were just a few feet away. Combine this with finishing early (no 1.5-hour commute) and the beers would certainly get cracked open earlier and earlier in the week.The result was some substantial weight gain. Thankfully that’s long in the past, and I still work from home at least 2-3 days a week. I’ve managed to develop a strategy to ensure that my calorie allowance is stuck to. Eating strategies only work if they’re manageable with your preferences and working day. Keeping this in mind, where appropriate, you can be assured I’ve listed more than one tip/method to avoid ruining your fat loss goals. Create a Dedicated Workspace for Productivity and Health Eh… what’s this section got to do with your expanding waistline and controlling your working from home snacking? Please bear with me.Creating a proper workspace isn’t just about productivity; it’s crucial for your health and fat loss goals too. You’ll find an article within the useful related articles section which should convince you of the importance of posture and flexibility. Here’s How to Set It Up A Structured Eating Routine Working from home can wreak havoc on your eating habits if you’re not careful. Here’s how to keep your nutrition on track and ensure you’re on the path to losing weight while working from home. Intermittent Fasting – My Personal Option for How to Lose Weight While Working From Home Those familiar with my previous posts will know about my preference for intermittent fasting (IF) for fat loss and weight management goals. Of course, there’s nothing magical about it. IF is simply a method of controlling your calories within a certain eating window. You can certainly lose fat without fasting. The benefit (oh, there are many cons) of being 42 is one gets to know themselves better. Youth is indeed wasted on the young.It’s only taken me 40 years to realise I’m an all-or-nothing person. This has pros (I will give an endeavour or work project my all) and cons (if I’m opening up a packet of digestives to dunk into my coffee… oh, they’re all being dunked). Can you relate? This is where intermittent fasting is a godsend in assisting with the question how to lose weight while working from home? Intermittent fasting makes my working from home day a doddle! By skipping breakfast and holding off eating until noon, I find it much easier to stay on track with my fat loss goals while working from home. I’m also noticeably more alert and switched on in work when I keep the eating to a minimum. Research published in the journal Obesity Reviews found that intermittent fasting can lead to significant fat loss, especially visceral fat, by promoting a caloric deficit and enhancing metabolic flexibility. Non-Fasting Eating As I mentioned above, you certainly don’t need to fast for fat loss. Here are some tips below to ensure you keep losing weight while working from home. When you have healthy meals ready to go, you’re less likely to reach for that takeaway menu. Within the useful related articles, you’ll find a post on how I manage my meal prep and exercise schedule during an extremely busy week. Simple Meal Prepping How To lose weight while working from home: eat more protein Below are some recommendations for WFH high protein snacks. These should be satiating and assist you in hitting your protein goals for the day. You’ll be a pro at being able to keep losing fat while working from home in no time. All of the below snacks are high in protein, satiating, and relatively low in calories: Exercise While Working From Home Sitting is the new smoking, they say. Here’s how to keep moving even when you’re chained to your desk: A study by the American Heart Association concluded that regular movement, including standing or walking breaks, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improve overall weight management. How To Lose Weight While Working From Home Bonus Tips Manage Stress Working from home can be stressful. Most people don’t eat when they’re hungry—stress is a large cause of overeating. Here’s how to keep stress in check: A study from Harvard Medical School shows that mindfulness and meditation can reduce stress-related overeating and improve emotional well-being, which in turn supports weight management. Stay Hydrated and Mindful of Beverage Choices What you drink is just as important as what you eat. Thirst can often be confused with hunger. Here’s how to sip smart: Leverage Technology In this digital age, let technology be your fat loss ally. Studies have shown that integrating fitness technology into your routine can significantly enhance weight loss efforts. Conclusion Right then, home-based health warriors, it’s time … Read more

How to Save Time in the Gym: Great Time Saving Workouts

A busy dad juggling family responsibilities and gym workouts, demonstrating how to save time in the gym with time saving workouts for efficient fitness results.”

 As a busy dad, finding time to work out can feel impossible. Between work, family, and trying to squeeze in personal time, long workouts just don’t fit into your schedule. However, with the right approach, you can still build muscle, shed fat, and stay in great shape—all in a fraction of the time. By learning how to save time in the gym and incorporating time saving workouts, you can achieve impressive results without spending hours training. This article will show you how to maximise your fitness results by using efficient gym techniques, expert advice, and proven strategies—all while keeping your gym sessions short and effective. I’m Always Looking to Save Time in The Gym At 42, with three kids ranging from 6 to 18 years old, I’ve learned that long gym sessions don’t fit into the reality of fatherhood. But I still wanted to stay lean, strong, and healthy. Through trial and error, I discovered how to save time in the gym by using smarter, more efficient workout methods. Now, with just three 45-minute gym sessions per week, I’m in better shape than ever. My routine revolves around time saving workouts that deliver results without wasting time. I’m 5 foot 10, weigh around 180 lbs (81kilos) and carry just 12% fat (around 10 in the summer time and potentially around 14 mid winer for the padding… and mince pies).  My resting heart rate is just 42 beats per minute (the lower generally means the fitter you are) and my key gym lifts are at the elite category for my height and weight.  Don’t worry, this blog article and this blog is all about you and what I can do to add value in return for your precious time. It’s far from a boastful section (I screw up more than most), but it’s a call to action – with these time saving workout tips for dads and digesting my below linked related content, you can absolutely build muscle, lose fat and look fantastic no matter how busy you are.  Efficient Gym Techniques for Time Saving Workouts The key to getting fit without spending hours in the gym is in using efficient gym techniques. According to a study in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, methods like supersets and drop sets increase workout intensity and efficiency, leading to better muscle activation and fat loss. These techniques ensure that your workouts are both effective and time-efficient. How Supersets Help You Save Time in the Gym What Are Supersets? Supersets involve alternating between two exercises that target different muscle groups, reducing rest time while keeping your heart rate high. According to Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, an expert in exercise science, “Supersets allow you to achieve higher training density, making your workouts more effective in less time.” Full Body Superset Workout Example Here’s a full-body superset workout designed to get you in and out of the gym in less than 45 minutes: By minimising rest time and performing these exercises in pairs, you’ll finish your workout faster without sacrificing results. Split Routine Superset Workouts If you prefer split routines, supersets work just as well. Here’s an example for Back/Shoulders/Biceps and Chest/Legs/Triceps: Back/Shoulders/Bicep Superset Workout Chest/Legs/Triceps Superset Workout According to research published in the *Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research*, supersets can reduce overall workout time by up to 50% while maintaining the same level of muscle activation. Tri-Sets: Another Time Saving Workout Strategy Tri-sets take the efficiency of supersets to the next level by combining three exercises back-to-back with no rest in between. This method keeps your heart rate high and maximises the time your muscles are under tension. What Are Tri-Sets? A tri-set involves performing three exercises consecutively with no rest. According to Joe Wicks, fitness coach and author, “Tri-sets are perfect for people with limited time. They help you burn more calories while building muscular endurance.” Tri-Set Workout Example Here’s a Back/Shoulders/Legs tri-set workout: Perform each exercise back-to-back, rest for 1-2 minutes after completing the set, and repeat for three rounds. Chest/Biceps/Triceps/Abs Tri-Set Example For a chest, biceps, triceps, and abs workout, try this tri-set: Add this ab finisher: Tri-sets are particularly effective for increasing muscle activation and fat burning, making them ideal for time saving workouts. Rest-Pause and Drop Sets for Maximum Efficiency in the Gym Rest-pause sets and drop sets are two highly effective techniques for increasing workout intensity without extending your gym time. These methods help you break through plateaus and maximise muscle growth in less time. Rest-Pause Sets In a rest-pause set, you perform a set to near failure, rest for 5-10 seconds, and then squeeze out a few more reps. Dr. John Rusin, a strength coach, explains that “Rest-pause sets are an efficient way to add more volume to your workout without extra time.” A study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology supports this, showing that rest-pause sets increase muscle hypertrophy without significantly increasing training time. Drop Sets Drop sets involve reducing the weight after reaching failure and continuing the set with lighter weights. This keeps your muscles working longer, promoting greater muscle growth in a shorter time. For example: Research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that drop sets enhance muscle growth while reducing overall workout time, making them perfect for busy individuals. How to Structure Your Weekly Workout to Save Time Here’s a sample weekly workout plan that incorporates supersets, tri-sets, and rest-pause sets to maximise your results while minimising your time in the gym. Sample Weekly Plan: This plan gives you three intense strength training sessions per week, plus quick HIIT sessions to maintain cardiovascular health. Sneak in 10,000 Steps Daily Even if your gym time is limited, staying active throughout the day is crucial. One easy way to do this is by aiming for 10,000 steps each day. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that walking 8,000 to 12,000 steps per day significantly lowers the risk of all-cause mortality. Here’s how you can hit your step goal without needing more … Read more

How To Age Slower: 10 Groundbreaking pieces Of Longevity Tech

How to age slower and longevity tech fascinates me.The next 10 years of longevity tech will be a fascinating journey.  Who hasn’t dreamt of finding the fountain of youth? Well, put away your pith helmet and machete, because the quest for eternal youth is no longer hidden in some remote jungle. It’s right here in our laboratories, and scientists are having a field day! As we delve into the world of longevity technologies, prepare to be amazed, amused, and perhaps a little hopeful that your grandchildren won’t be calling you “ancient” anytime soon. 1. CRISPR Gene Editing: A Cornerstone of Longevity Tech CRISPR-Cas9, or as one might call it, “DNA’s Cut and Paste Function,” is revolutionising genetic modification. This technique is a key player in the realm of longevity tech, allowing scientists to edit genes with the precision of a surgeon… or a very talented barber. Researchers are using CRISPR to target genes associated with ageing and age-related diseases. They’re investigating everything from reducing inflammation to enhancing cellular repair mechanisms. Imagine telling your genes, “Sorry, heart attack, you’re not in my diary. How about we pencil in ‘run a marathon’ instead?” 2. Senolytic Therapies: Clearing Out the Cellular Clutter Senolytic therapies are akin to the Marie Kondo of cellular biology – they help your body tidy up by eliminating cells that no longer spark joy. These therapies target senescent cells, also known as “zombie cells,” which linger, causing inflammation and generally being a nuisance. Recent studies have shown remarkable results. In 2018, a Mayo Clinic study found that eliminating senescent cells in mice extended their median lifespan by 36%. That’s equivalent to adding 20-30 years to a human life! Senolytic therapies are quickly becoming a cornerstone of longevity tech. Scientists are now working on developing senolytic drugs that can selectively eliminate these problematic cells in humans. It’s like having a tiny army of cellular bouncers, kicking out the rowdy old cells that are ruining the party for everyone else. 3. NAD+ Boosters: Cellular Energy To Answer How To Age Slower NAD+, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide if you’re feeling scientific, is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It’s crucial for energy production, DNA repair, and cellular communication. As a key component of longevity technologies, NAD+ boosters aim to replenish these levels, potentially reversing some aspects of ageing. A 2017 study published in Science showed that boosting NAD+ levels in mice improved mitochondrial function, enhanced stem cell function, and increased lifespan. It’s like giving your cells a triple espresso shot of youth! 4. Telomere Extension Techniques: Resetting the Cellular Clock Telomeres are comparable to the plastic tips on shoelaces, except instead of keeping your laces from fraying, they protect your chromosomes. Telomere extension techniques aim to reset this clock, potentially extending cellular lifespan. It’s like finding the cheat code for cellular ageing! A groundbreaking study in 2015 demonstrated that telomerase gene therapy could extend the lifespan of mice by up to 24% without increasing cancer risk. That’s equivalent to adding an extra 20 years to a human life – imagine all the dad jokes one could learn in that time! Telomere extension techniques are proving to be a vital part of longevity tech. 5. How To Age Slower: AI-Driven Drug Discovery AI-driven drug discovery is comparable to having a supercomputer play matchmaker between molecules and ageing processes. It’s revolutionising how we identify potential anti-ageing compounds, sifting through vast amounts of data faster than one can say “wrinkle cream.” In 2020, researchers used AI to identify a novel antibiotic capable of killing drug-resistant bacteria. If AI can find new antibiotics, imagine what it could do for anti-ageing research! AI-driven drug discovery is rapidly becoming an indispensable tool in the development of longevity tech. 6. Organ Regeneration and 3D Bioprinting: Spare Parts for Humans Remember when 3D printing was all about making cute little plastic trinkets? Well, hold onto your hat, because now we’re printing organs! Organ regeneration and 3D bioprinting are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in medicine and longevity tech. Scientists are working on creating replacement organs from a patient’s own cells, potentially eliminating the need for donor organs and reducing the risk of rejection. It’s like having a spare parts shop for your body! 7. Exosome Therapy: Cellular Communication for Rejuvenation Exosomes are tiny vesicles released by cells that play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication. In the context of longevity technologies, exosome therapy holds promise for regenerative medicine. These little cellular messengers could potentially be used to deliver therapeutic molecules to specific tissues, promoting healing and rejuvenation. Recent studies have shown that exosomes from young cells can rejuvenate older cells. It’s like sending your cells to a cellular spa day! How to slow down ageing? Go on a spa day…. 8. Epigenetic Reprogramming: Resetting the Cellular Software Epigenetics is all about how your environment and behaviour can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. It’s as if your genes are a piano, and epigenetics decides which keys get played. As a key component of longevity tech, epigenetic reprogramming aims to reset these changes, potentially reversing some aspects of cellular ageing. A 2016 study in Cell showed that epigenetic reprogramming could extend lifespan in mice by up to 30%. Researchers used a technique to reset cells to an embryonic-like state, effectively turning back their biological clock. 9. Mitochondrial Enhancement: Powering Up Your Cells Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell, but as we age, they start to resemble more of a power outage. Mitochondrial enhancement, a crucial aspect of longevity technologies, aims to boost these cellular batteries, improving energy production and overall cellular health. A 2017 study showed that transplanting mitochondria from young animals into old animals could reverse signs of ageing. It’s like giving your cells a fresh set of Duracells! 10. Gut Microbiome Modulation: Your Inner Ecosystem and Longevity Last but not least, let’s talk about the bustling metropolis living in your gut. Gut microbiome modulation is emerging as a key player in the longevity game. It turns out, the trillions of tiny tenants in your intestines have a big say in how you age. Recent studies … Read more

Debunking the Muscle Confusion Myth: The Truth About Workout Variety

A cartoon image of a humanised muscle in the gym - the muscle looks confused as the article explores the muscle confusion myth and workout variety

Imagine you’re at the gym, and you spot a chap doing a different workout every day, swearing it’s the secret to massive gains. Welcome to the world of muscle confusion, a concept that’s been buzzing around fitness circles like a hyperactive protein shake. But is there any truth to the muscle confusion myth, or is it just another fitness fad destined for the dustbin? What’s the truth about workout variety? Let’s flex our mental muscles and sort out the facts from the fiction, shall we? What is the Muscle Confusion Myth Theory? The muscle confusion theory is like a surprise party for your muscles. The idea is that by constantly changing your workout variety, you’ll keep your muscles guessing, preventing them from adapting to any single routine. Proponents claim this unpredictability is the key to continuous growth and avoiding plateaus. This theory suggests that muscles have a sort of memory that needs to be “confused” to stimulate growth. It’s as if your muscles have a tiny brain that you need to outsmart, cue the Mission Impossible theme! However, as we’ll explore, the reality of muscle adaptation science is a bit more complex than this simplistic view suggests. In fact, it’s about as complex as trying to assemble IKEA furniture after a few pints. The Science of Muscle Adaptation To understand why the muscle confusion myth persists, we need to delve into the muscle adaptation science. When you exercise, you create microscopic tears in your muscle fibres. During rest, these fibres repair themselves, growing bigger and stronger in the process. This adaptation is your body’s way of preparing for future challenges. But here’s the kicker: muscles don’t have memory in the way we think. They respond to stress, not novelty.  Your muscles don’t sit around thinking, ‘Oh no, not squats again!’ They simply respond to the load you put on them. The key principle at work here is progressive overload. This means gradually increasing the stress placed on the body during exercise. It could be by lifting heavier weights, doing more repetitions, or increasing the frequency of workouts. The body adapts to this increased demand by becoming stronger and more efficient. Research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research by Schoenfeld et al. (2014) found that mechanical tension is the primary driver of muscle hypertrophy. This means that the amount of force your muscles produce against resistance is more important than constantly varying exercises.  It’s like telling your muscles a progressively scarier story each night. Eventually, they’ll grow big and strong enough to handle any plot twist you throw at them. Examining the Evidence: Workout Variety Myths vs. Reality When it comes to scientific evidence supporting muscle confusion, it’s about as solid as a chocolate kettlebell. While some studies suggest that workout variation benefits include improved adherence and overall fitness, there’s little concrete evidence that random workout variety is superior for muscle growth compared to structured, progressive training. A study by Baz-Valle et al. (2019) published in the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” compared the effects of a fixed loading approach vs. a varied loading approach on muscle strength and hypertrophy. The results showed no significant differences between the two groups, suggesting that variation in loading schemes doesn’t provide additional benefits for muscle growth. Another study by Damas et al. (2019) in the “European Journal of Applied Physiology” demonstrated that consistent training with progressive overload led to greater strength gains compared to frequently changing workout variety.  This research supports the idea that while some variety can be beneficial, consistency and progression are key factors in muscle development. It’s like baking a cake, you need to follow the recipe (consistency) and gradually increase the heat (progression), not randomly throw ingredients together and hope for the best. Potential Benefits of Changing Workout Variety Despite the myths, incorporating variety into your routine isn’t all bad. Some workout variation benefits include: 1. Reduced boredom (because watching paint dry is more exciting than doing your 1000th identical workout) 2. Improved overall fitness by challenging different aspects of physical performance 3. Potential for breaking through plateaus by introducing new stimuli 4. Enhanced motor learning and neuromuscular adaptation Think of it as the fitness equivalent of trying new hobbies – you might discover muscles you didn’t know you had (hello, sore obliques from that impromptu salsa class). A study by Fonseca et al. (2014) in the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” found that varying exercise selection can lead to greater overall strength gains compared to using the same exercises consistently. However, this doesn’t mean you should change your entire routine daily – it’s more like adding a plot twist to your favourite TV show every few episodes, not changing the entire cast and storyline every week. Drawbacks and Criticisms of The Muscle Confusion Myth However, falling for the muscle confusion myth can lead to some pitfalls: 1. Difficulty in tracking progress and implementing progressive overload 2. Risk of overtraining some muscle groups while neglecting others 3. Hindered skill development and mastery of fundamental exercises 4. Potential for suboptimal muscle growth due to lack of consistent stimulus A review by Kraemer and Ratamess (2004) in the “Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise” journal emphasised the importance of specificity in resistance training. Constantly changing exercises can prevent the development of proper form and technique, which are essential for safe and effective training. It’s like trying to master the art of tea-making by switching to a different beverage every day – you might end up a jack of all trades, but a master of none. My Opinion and experience of Changing Workout Variety The fitness community’s stance on muscle confusion is about as unified as a group of cats herding sheep. However, most experts agree that while some variety is beneficial, structure and progression are key.  Common sense has to prevail. Your muscles aren’t sentient (HENCE THE MUSCLE CONFUSION MYTH) and providing you’re challenging them every workout and improving with progressive overload in mind, you’ll make progress. This assumes your nutrition and rest is also on point.  … Read more