
AI in fitness and the gamification of exercise

My Interest in AI for fitness and the gamification of exercise

My current technological partner is my Garmin fitness watch. I may venture into staring at foreign scenery whilst on a treadmill run to leisurely pass the hamster wheel miles, but that’s about it. 

Future use of AI for fitness does fascinate me. I felt compelled to write a short blog post covering this topic. I shall take a brief look at some current trends and future fitness possibilities with AI being slowly integrated into our modern day world. 


As always, you’ll find the main content headings below and easily locatable within the article. I’d recommend you initially read through the full article and then you’re free to skip to sections you’d like to re-read.

1. Introduction into AI for fitness

2. Modern day fitness AI

3. The Gamification of Exercise

4. Gamification of exercise examples

5. AI in Fitness isn’t too advanced… yet

6. AI in Fitness over the next few years

7. AI fitness developments over the next 40 years

8. 2030s AI in fitness

9. 2040s AI in fitness

10.  2050s AI in fitness

11. 2060s AI in fitness

12. Conclusion

Introduction into AI for fitness

In today’s world, technology is at the centre of our lives. The fitness industry is no exception. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into fitness routines is not just a futuristic concept but a present-day reality transforming how we approach exercise and health. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting your journey, understanding how AI could be more efficient at increasing your fitness is exciting (unless, of course, your AI decides that every day is leg day).

Modern day fitness AI

AI’s application in fitness is starting to create personalised workout plans and smart fitness coaching With AI, your fitness journey becomes more streamlined and efficient. For example, AI created workout plans are tailored to your specific needs, goals, and progress. 

This personalised approach ensures that every exercise you perform is optimised for maximum benefit, even if the AI suggests you do yoga poses that make you look like a human origami ornament.

Modern day yoga AI doesn’t quite look like this, but it will still have you doing some ambitious poses

Early AI adopting fitness apps analyse your performance in real-time, providing instant feedback and adjustments to your form. This real-time coaching not only helps prevent injuries but also ensures you get the most out of each session. Moreover, these apps can adapt your workouts based on your progress, ensuring continuous improvement without the risk of plateauing or spontaneous napping on the gym floor.

Popular modern day fitness AI tools are:

1. AI powered fitness apps

Freeletics and FitnessAI create customised workout plans based on individual goals, fitness levels, and progress. These apps analyse user data to design routines that are tailored to personal needs, ensuring that each exercise is optimised for maximum benefit.

2. Real-Time Performance Analysis and Feedback

Apps such as Apple Fitness and Mirror use AI to analyse user workout performance in real-time. These platforms provide instant feedback on form and technique, helping users correct their posture and movements to prevent injuries and enhance the effectiveness of their workouts.

3. Smart Wearables

Devices like Fitbit and Garmin utilise AI algorithms to track various health metrics, including heart rate, steps, sleep patterns, and calorie expenditure. These wearables offer insights and personalised recommendations based on the collected data, encouraging users to maintain or improve their fitness routines. Find a great fitness wearable article here.

4. Virtual Personal Trainers

AI-driven virtual trainers, such as those offered by apps like Aaptiv and JAXJOX, provide on-demand coaching and guidance. These virtual trainers simulate the experience of having a personal trainer by delivering customised workout instructions, motivational support, and progress tracking without the need for a physical presence.

The Gamification of Exercise

One of the most exciting developments in AI driven fitness is the continued gamification of exercise advancements. By incorporating game-like elements into workouts, AI makes fitness more engaging and enjoyable. This approach uses rewards, challenges, and social interaction to motivate users to stay consistent with their routines. You can be earning points, badges, or even competing with friends in real time virtual AI fitness challenges, all designed to keep you motivated and on track with your fitness goals.

Gamification of exercise examples

1. Zwift

Zwift combines AI with virtual reality to create an immersive cycling and running experience. Users can ride or run through various virtual worlds, compete in real-time with other users, and participate in structured training programs and events. AI algorithms adjust the difficulty based on the user’s performance, making the experience challenging and rewarding. I’ve always wanted to try Zwift. Perhaps one day.

the moment Swift lets me cycle across Mars racing my wife, I’m in!

2. Supernatural

Supernatural uses AI and virtual reality to offer high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and other workouts set in stunning virtual environments. Users can engage in workouts that feel like games, where they have to hit targets, follow movements, and complete challenges. The AI adjusts the intensity and complexity of the workouts based on the user’s progress and performance.

3. FitXR

FitXR provides a gamified fitness experience through VR. It offers boxing, dance, and HIIT workouts in a virtual studio setting. The AI within FitXR tracks users’ movements, providing real-time feedback and adjusting the difficulty of the exercises to keep users engaged and challenged.

4. Pokemon GO

Erm, I must confess to historically playing this, under the pretence that my son loved it… While not a traditional fitness app, Pokemon GO uses augmented reality and AI to encourage physical activity. Players need to walk around in the real world to find and catch virtual Pokemon, hatch eggs, and participate in gym battles. The game’s AI generates Pokemon and events based on the player’s location and activity level, promoting regular movement and exploration.

5. Ring Fit Adventure

Ring Fit Adventure for the Nintendo Switch combines gaming with physical exercise. Although I much preferred WII boxing back in the day. Remember that?

 Players use a Ring-Con controller and leg strap to perform various exercises that control their in-game character. The game’s AI adjusts the difficulty and provides feedback based on the player’s performance, making it a fun and interactive way to stay fit.

These examples show how AI can transform traditional exercise routines into engaging, fun and interactive experiences that motivate users to stay active and enjoy their fitness journey.

Bespoke app driven workout plans are out today. This future world with an AI generated live gym workout plan would be cool. Especially if it enables faster progress.

AI in Fitness isn’t too advanced… yet

Whilst the potential of AI in fitness is immense, it’s important to recognise that we are still in the early stages of this technological revolution. Current AI tools and applications offer impressive features, but there is room for growth and improvement. For instance, integrating AI with wearable technology can provide even more precise data, leading to better workout recommendations and health insights. Just be prepared for your smartwatch to guilt-trip you about those extra calories it 100% knew you ate.

For now, rest assured that your fitness watch/tracker will no doubt reset itself at least 10 times today and lose heart rate at least twice on your run.

Now this would be something! An AI in fitness machine that will automatically adjust the weights for you. Gym instructors shouting about not putting weights back would be ancient history

AI in Fitness over the next few years

Looking at AI fitness advancements for the remainder of the 2020’s:

We’re likely to see the following AI exercise advancements:

1. Real-Time Form Correction

Enhanced AI algorithms in fitness apps and wearables will provide real-time feedback on exercise form, helping users prevent injuries and optimize performance.

2. Personalised Nutrition and Fitness Plans

AI will integrate data from various sources (wearables, health records, etc.) to create highly personalized nutrition and fitness plans tailored to individual needs, goals, and genetic predispositions.

3. Virtual Fitness Communities

AI will facilitate the creation of virtual fitness communities where users can connect, compete, and collaborate with others around the world in real-time, making workouts more social and engaging.

AI fitness developments over the next 40 years

In 2070 and all being well, I shall be the grand old age of pushing 90 and potentially watching my great grandkids indulge in the below. Alternatively and based on some predictions below, I will be enjoying life as an android. 

Let’s take a look at what developments in AI fitness are likely to occur over the next 40 years. I’d bet my Garmin still incorrectly tracks my sleep….

2030s AI in fitness

1. Advanced Wearable Technology

Wearables will become more advanced, with AI providing deeper insights into physical and mental health, predicting potential injuries, and offering preemptive advice to avoid them. I wonder if they’ll be able to advise me when I’ve upset my wife?

Advanced wearable tech in the 2030s. you’ll literally be wearing a human sized watch with all that tech crammed in! The battery life will still likely be 24 hours…

2. AI Driven Fitness Studios

Gyms and fitness studios will adopt AI-driven equipment that adjusts resistance and provides personalised workout plans on the fly, based on the user’s performance and progress.

3. Integrated Health Monitoring

AI systems will seamlessly integrate with healthcare providers, offering continuous monitoring and feedback on users’ fitness levels, vital signs, and overall health, ensuring a holistic approach to well-being. I’m not stating this is a bad thing, but it certainly feels more leaning towards George Orwells 1984 masterpiece.

2040s AI in fitness

1. Immersive VR/AR Fitness Experiences

AI-powered virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) fitness environments will provide fully immersive workout experiences, making exercise more engaging and varied. Now this I could completely get on board with. I’d love to jog on Mars.

the moment VR AI in fitness tech can allow me to run fully immersed in mars, I’m in!

2. AI Personal Trainers with Emotional Intelligence

Virtual personal trainers will possess emotional intelligence, allowing them to respond empathetically to users’ moods and motivation levels, providing personalised encouragement and support. Hello Skynet…..

3. Genetic Based Fitness Optimisation

AI will use genetic information to tailor fitness programs that optimises individual performance and health outcomes, offering plans based on a user’s unique genetic makeup. I would bet the chances are considerably higher that we’ll see this come in prior to the 2040’s.

2050s AI in fitness

1. AI Enhanced Body Adaptation

Advanced AI will help users adapt their bodies to extreme environments or conditions, such as space travel or underwater activities, by providing specialised training regimens and monitoring. 

2. Mental Fitness and Cognitive Enhancement

AI will integrate physical and mental fitness, offering programs that enhance cognitive functions alongside physical health, promoting overall well-being and longevity. One word… Android!

3. Predictive Health and Longevity Programs

AI will predict long-term health outcomes based on current fitness and health data, providing actionable insights to extend lifespan and improve quality of life through targeted fitness interventions.

2060s AI in fitness

1. Full Sensory Immersion Workouts

AI will create fully immersive workout environments that engage all senses, making exercise an incredibly realistic and engaging experience, possibly indistinguishable from reality. they’d better make these workouts wheelchair friendly for me. 

2. Bio-Integrated AI Fitness Assistants

Bio-integrated AI assistants will reside within the body, continuously monitoring health and fitness levels, providing real-time advice, and even intervening when necessary to enhance performance and health.

3. AI-Driven Adaptive Exoskeletons

Adaptive exoskeletons powered by AI will assist with workouts, enhancing strength, endurance, and recovery times, and allowing individuals of all ages and abilities to engage in rigorous physical activity…. actually, cancel that wheelchair!

If it allows me to run nearing my 80’s, sign me up for an AI driven adaptive exoskeleton


The integration of AI into fitness is revolutionising how we approach exercise and health. From personalised workout plans to smart fitness coaching and gamification of exercise, AI offers innovative solutions to help you achieve your fitness goals. While we are still in the early stages of this transformation, the future looks bright with endless possibilities. 

Technology has rapidly developed over the last 30 years and keeps moving at an even speedier pace. Who knows whether all of the above predictions will come true. What’s certain is AI for fitness will only further advance and notwithstanding any Skynet type takeovers, we will benefit immensely. We may even be lucky enough to possess smart phones with more than a one day battery life.  Now where did I put my charger?

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